Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Top 9 Career Tips for Introverts - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / The Top 9 Career Tips for Introverts - Introvert Whisperer The Top 9 Career Tips for Introverts The assertive executive, the friendly outgoing salesperson, and the new hire who is a real go-getter; when you think of Career Success, these may be some images in your mind. Thats not surprising. After all, its rare to see introverts portrayed as successful career people on television or movies. Successful introverts rarely sit for television interviews either. In spite of this, there are plenty of introverts that have become notable for their career success. As an introvert, you are just as capable of moving up the ladder in your chosen field as anyone else. In fact, there are even ways to make your personality work for you. To move your career in the right direction, consider these top nine career tips for introverts. 1. Prioritize work environment You may find that your work environment has as much impact on your success as the field you choose to pursue. That cool job with the Casual environment, open floor plan, constant collaboration, and boisterous corporate Bros may seem fun at first. Just be honest with yourself. Will that really work for you? Work environment and Company culture can really impact whether you are happy on a daily basis. Know what will work for you, and choose a work environment that matches your personality. 2.  Take an aptitude test The happier you are with your career, the better able you will be to withstand any stressors that you face. You may have heard the old adage that you should do what you love. Thats not quite true. In addition to finding something that you love, its even more important to find something that youre good at. take a few reputable aptitude test and assessments to identify where your talents lie. 3.  Use self-care to prepare for high-pressure situations Theres no way to avoid all the situations that are difficult for an introvert. What you can do is prepare for these by maintaining your well-being in other ways. If you have an interview, conference call, obligatory party, or other events which are going to be stressful make an extra effort to be kind to yourself.  Get some extra sleep, get a massage, indulge in a movie by yourself, or enjoy whatever Other Self Care rituals that you have. 4.  Become an expert and source of knowledge Not everyone achieves success by being gregarious and outgoing.  You can accomplish quite a bit by becoming an expert in your field, and being a reliable source of knowledge for others. Find a useful skill and develop it to a level of mastery. But dont become a commodity, keep your skills up to date and always find new skills to develop. This will ensure that you are always a person of value to the people you work with. You can also use your expertise to develop a personal and professional brand. Both are more important than ever in developing the career you want. You can take your expertise and start a blog, write articles for industry Publications, and participate in social media cover stations that are relevant to your industry. Just remember that professionalism is extremely important. If you do create an online presence make sure anything you produce is well edited and written. You can use some following resources to help: Writing Assistance â€" Consider using a reputable writing service like to help put your ideas in writing. Writing Improvement â€" The Hemingway App is great for helping you improve your writing skills. Editing And Proofreading â€" Make sure your writing is accurate and free from errors with any editing service. Adding Visuals to Your Writing â€" Try Canva to add infographics and other visuals to your blog content. 5.  Develop the skills that may not come naturally As an introvert, there may be things that aren’t comfortable for you, and which don’t come naturally. It’s still important for you to perfect these skills. It may be uncomfortable to cold call someone you don’t know, to ask a peer for a referral, or to introduce colleagues, but doing these things are usually a necessary part of any upward career path. Unfortunately, there’s no magic trick here. The only way to deal with these situations is through practice. Like Winston Churchill said, “When you’re going through hell, keep going.” 6.  Take the Special Teams approach to social situations If you’re a football fan, you know what special teams are. If not, special teams are punters, field goal kickers, punt returners, snappers, and other positions. The players in these positions aren’t out on the field for the entire game, but their appearance can be absolutely pivotal when they are present. If you work in an industry where socializing is integral, or you must attend the obligatory work parties and events, think of yourself as a special teams player.  Show up, turn on the charm, engage, greet people, smile, and then excuse yourself early. You’ll get ‘credit’ for making an appearance. You’ll also be able to cut out before things get overwhelming. 7.  Improve your public speaking skills It’s even more difficult to deal with tough situations when you don’t have the skills you need to execute things successfully. Public speaking is one activity that most introverts dread. It’s also something most people have to do, even if it’s just presenting information at a meeting. If public speaking is a struggle, take action to change that. Join a local chapter of Toastmasters, or take a public speaking or speech class. The better you are at speaking in front of people, the less uncomfortable you’ll feel in these situations. 8.  Take on roles where you can add value and be successful Your quiet nature may make it difficult to get noticed in the workplace. To counter this, you have to find other ways to highlight your talents, and show that you are a valuable contributor. Be proactive in finding ways to contribute and demonstrate your value to the organization. Offer to handle written communications, if you are a talented writer. Organize employee events. Become known for your attention to detail. These are things that will help you get noticed in the workplace. 9.  Keep track of your accomplishments You may find it difficult to recite your accomplishments and credentials, but it’s important that you do. Keep a list of important projects that you’ve worked on, certifications that you’ve earned, skills that you’ve mastered etc. When you’re asked about your qualifications, you may find that having a list you’ve committed to memory will help you avoid that ‘on the spot’ feeling. You’ll be able to express yourself with confidence, and win over your audience. Final Thoughts You don’t need to be an extrovert to be successful. However, the working world certainly can feel as if it is biased in favor of the outgoing. Try applying some of these nine tips to your career, and you may find that it’s easier to navigate your path to success. Author’s BIO: Linda is a professional writer at and she loves to help students. She has spent the majority of her career in the writing industry, gaining experiences in areas such as editing and writing. Currently, Linda is a blogger at Linda also enjoys reading books and traveling. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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